Why Ayurveda says no to alcohol and Impact of it in wellness

Why Ayurveda says no to alcohol and Impact of it in wellness

Whether it’s a bottle of wine shared with friends at a dinner or a glass of wine for yourself, Ayurveda has a view to share on the benefits and harms of drinking wine.

Before going into details, let’s ask ourselves the question: is it good to drink wine? The “Ayurvedic” answer is simple: it depends!

What does Ayurveda say about drinking alcohol?

In the classic texts, Ayurvedic doctors refer to the ability of alcohol to “rapidly reach the heart and mind, thus having a direct effect on the qualities” or doshas, the metabolic principles Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Thus, depending on our temperament, physiology, or doshas’ state when we consume wine, the alcohol it contains will tend to reinforce the state in which we find ourselves. This is no doubt why some have happy wine while others have it sad.

According to Ayurvedic texts, “the misuse of alcohol will create fear, grief, anger, disease, and death.” Let’s not forget that in the Ayurvedic system, all food is poison or medicine, depending on how it is eaten!

Also, according to Ayurveda, “if one consumes alcohol, then he must take into account the qualities of the drink, the age of the consumer, the strength of digestion, the current state of health or illness, and the season of the year or even the time of day.”

Let’s try to apply these principles to concrete cases: If you come home feeling agitated, stressed, frustrated, and/or angry, the qualities of alcohol (hot, dry) will intensify these feelings.

On the contrary, you will feel much better and better manage the next day at work, meditating or doing some yoga postures. Then you probably won’t crave alcohol.

According to Ayurveda, alcohol is the destroyer of Ojas.

What is Ojas?

Ojas refers to that which stabilizes the body and mind. It supports the immune system and keeps the mind happy. When you are stressed, Ojas gives you the ability to hold on. Ojas strengthen the foundation of your life.

How does alcohol affect Ojas?

According to Caraka, alcohol has opposite qualities or properties to Ojas. This means that it nullifies the Ojas. The more you drink the more Ojas decreases. Many people drink to feel better. However, as a person’s level of Ojas decreases, he feels worse.

People who are not aware of this drink more to compensate; this makes them feel even worse. It is a downward spiral. In the end, not only the mind feels worse, but also the body. There is diarrhea, burning indigestion, and diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The immune system ends up failing. Inflammation appears. It’s not a pretty picture.

Alcoholism and Ojas

Not all heavy drinkers get drunk every time they drink. There are many functional alcoholics. People who are functional often deny their alcoholism until it starts to ruin aspects of their lives. Over time, the pillars of his life begin to fail. When the Ojas is depleted, relationships begin to fail, health begins to fail, and you may lose your job. A person who drinks a lot loses eyes quickly. A person who drinks frequently but moderately loses Ojas over time.

Ayurveda and alcohol: Drink Responsibly

Both moderate and excessive alcohol consumption causes health problems. Occasional alcohol consumption does not cause these problems. In fact, alcohol used properly can improve life and even be a medicine. A good rule of thumb is not to drink when you are bored or sad. A celebratory drink every now and then is fine.

Early signs of low Ojas

Long before a serious problem arises, there are signs of low Ojas. An intelligent person pays attention to how he feels and makes the necessary changes.

Here are some of the early signs of low Ojas according to Ayurveda:

  1. Complain often
  2. Intolerance
  3. Inability to manage stress Ayurveda
  4. Fatigue or exhaustion
  5. Heart irregularities
  6. Difficulty breathing
  7. Mild and frequent illnesses
  8. Sensitivity to strong sunlight
  9. Dizziness
  10. Intense emotions

So, how sleep management will improve productivity at work?

When enjoying a meal with friends and the group offers wine or alcohol, consider these tips:

Make sure you feel happy and healthy. Otherwise, according to the Ayurveda rule, “what can heal can harm,” the consumption of wine, far from comforting you, can make you unhappy. Give yourself permission to say with a smile, “No thanks.

Remember the golden rule: moderation, even when you’re partying. This is how we can afford to enjoy a social ritual without having to sacrifice ourselves!
Let’s also see what we can recommend depending on your Ayurvedic constitution:

Pitta: Drinking wine or alcohol in general, isn’t going to be the most relevant choice. It can aggravate the imbalance if Pitta is already in excess.

Vata: Prefer sweet wines, and of course, in moderate quantities.

Kapha: Red wine is best suited to this dosha. Hotter and drier in quality, with more tannins, this drink will provide support for digestive fires, often sluggish in Kapha temperaments.

If you are on a spiritual path or practice yoga, the chances are that you will need to drink alcohol less and less. Your body is secreting more and more “happiness hormones” (dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin); you will easily do without this euphoria.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Ayurveda- The Alternative Treatment for Psoriasis

Ayurveda- The Alternative Treatment for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, usually treated with corticosteroids and salicylic acid-based ointments. Those looking for an alternative, natural, less invasive and holistic remedy can turn to Ayurveda.
Today more and more people are looking for natural remedies and cures for chronic diseases, and psoriasis is no exception. Modern medicine offers psoriasis therapy in the form of corticosteroid creams which, when used long-term, pose a number of problems.

Read on to find information on psoriasis and alternative treatment that can be helpful and effective!

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a condition that affects the skin and accelerates the life cycle of cells. The condition ranges from mild (less than 3% of the skin is affected) to severe (more than 10% of the skin affected) and includes symptoms such as dry, cracked skin that tends to bleed, red, itchy patches and flaking, as well as the joints swollen and stiff, also known as psoriatic arthritis. Here the patient tends to have sore joints, which are often hot due to the inflammation. This commonly causes swelling of the fingers and toes and is accompanied by pain in the back or feet.

About 125 million people worldwide are affected by psoriasis, many of whom also develop psoriatic arthritis. This condition can present at any age, but most patients tend to show the first symptoms between the ages of 15 and 25 and progress to psoriatic arthritis between the ages of 30 and 50.

Psoriasis signs and symptoms

Aside from the common symptoms, psoriasis is often accompanied by many consequences on the quality of life, particularly for women. For example, patients experience a physical impact such as pain and discomfort, which limits the activities they can undertake, a psychological impact, such as being more aware of one’s image, and social implications, such as the tendency to avoid social encounters or the knowledge of new people.

Traditional therapy for Psoriasis

Nobody is entirely sure of the cause of psoriasis; however, some known triggers could worsen the condition, including stress, smoking, vitamin deficiencies, and more. There is also no known cure for psoriasis, simply medications and measures that patients can take to minimize discomfort and symptoms..

Causes of Psoriasis according to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, the kushta roga (skin disorder) related to psoriasis is triggered by imbalances in the dosha Kapha (the body mood associated with the elements earth and water) and Vata (the body mood associated with the elements air and ether.). These doshas are believed to negatively impact blood tissues and skin, as well as the aqueous components of the skin. Kapha causes the skin to become coppery or whitish in color, while Vata causes it to become scaly and dry.

Furthermore, the accumulation of ama, also called metabolic waste, caused by environmental stressors, unhealthy eating habits, and lifestyle can contribute to the onset of psoriasis. In Ayurveda, improper eating habits are considered a significant cause of psoriasis; Certain foods such as citrus fruits, curds, fish, sweets, sesame oil, rice flour, and milk should be avoided. In general, all excessively salty, spicy, or acidic foods, carbohydrate-rich, refined or sugar-laden foods, as well as heavy and hard-to-digest foods, are not recommended. But that’s not all, as it also warns against the consumption of incompatible foods (viruddha ahara), as they could have a toxic effect on the organism; an example of incompatible foods are fish and milk.

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis includes:

Lepanam: In this treatment, medicines along with some herbal liquids are mixed together in the form of a paste applied to the affected parts of the body. Lepanam acts as a body scrub used to smooth the skin, rejuvenate blood circulation, relieve body aches, remove skin disorders, manage pain, etc.

Abhyanga: Abhyanga is one of the most important treatments in Ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis in India. External oleation or Abhyanga is a specialized oil massage. According to Ayurvedic theory, Abhyanga helps move toxins to the intestines to promote their elimination from the body. Abhyanga is also known to reduce skin dryness and decrease the severity of flaking.

Snehapanam: Internal oleation (Snehapanam) uses medicated oil. The type and volume (dosage) are determined depending on the constitution of the patient. Dosage and combinations are also based on dosha constitution and disease progression. Medicated ghee for the Ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis usually contains liver-cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating herbs. Snehapanam decreases the scaling (patches of skin that come off), itching, and dryness of psoriasis.

Pizhichil: For this therapy, the practitioner pours medicated oils continuously on the patient’s body for a few minutes. The therapy invigorates, relaxes, nourishes, and improves the body’s immunity by enabling detoxification.

Takradhara: Takradhara is a solution of butter, and medicated herbs poured all over the patient’s body. The treatment helps nourish the skin, and the medicinal herbs help repair skin cells and reduce inflammation.

Diet: Diet is very important in this treatment. Food consumption actually modifies the disease. The practice, therefore, advises the patients to follow a strict menu containing easily digestible and balanced diets with ingredients to maintain the appropriate levels of the Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Panchakarma – Ayurvedic way to finalize the cleansing of a detoxification of the organism:

As per the causes, psoriasis is caused due to imbalance between the body’s doshas due to the toxins present in the body. So if you want to cure psoriasis from its roots, then the only thing that can help you is by cleansing the body of all toxins. By doing this, the balance between doshas will be created within the body, and the immune system will restore its proper functioning. This deep cleansing of the body is accomplished by a process called panchakarma-in Ayurveda. A special diet accompanies these therapies.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

How ayurveda can help reduce screen fatigue

How ayurveda can help reduce screen fatigue

For most people over the last two years, days are spent shuffling between the table and bed, typing away on laptops or phone screens. The pandemic has brought with it many major lifestyle shifts, but one of the most jarring ones has to be the shift to a digital lifestyle. Computers and phones have a purpose in times of isolation, they have been proven to help work through a pandemic – but finding a balance is a necessity. Schools have shifted to online classes and in-person brainstorming sessions have become Zoom meetings. Connecting with loved ones has turned into virtual interactions and most social interactions take place behind a screen.

Since COVID has begun, exposure to screen time has only increased around the world. A study published by WHO links a decline in sleep quality, neck pain, headaches, high blood pressure to increased screen time. Another study has found links between poor mental health and a rise in anxiety and depression with an increase in screen time. Ayurveda teaches living in harmony and with the seasons and the natural flow of every day. This innate rhythm is disrupted by technology.

People around the world have spent the pandemic locked in their homes, doom-scrolling through Instagram, juggling work-from-home emails and binging on streaming sites – and most have felt its consequences. The nagging pain at the back of our eyes, a dull headache, sensitivity to light and difficulty concentrating. Fatigue and exhaustion from screens is real and it manifests itself both mentally and physically. Technology naturally stimulates the Vata Dosha (Vata manages all the movement in our Mind and Body). When Vata is out of balance, we can feel ungrounded and too much screen time tends to make this feeling worse. As we shift into this digital reality – screen time is here to stay.

So, here are some things one can do to combat that tiredness and practice some much needed digital self care.

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule – Akshi Tarpana (that translates to eye rejuvenation) or soothing the eyes is a part of dinacharya. When working on a computer, remembering to take a break every twenty minutes is a great first step. It almost sounds redundant to say this but everyone forgets to take a break. When one looks at computer screens, they tend to blink 66% less than average. Rest your eyes by looking at an object twenty feet away for twenty seconds and give your eyes a chance to relax. Whatever you’re working on, will always be there when you get back from your break.

Meditate – One of the best ways to cope with digital fatigue is Sattva Vijaya (increasing the quality of clarity). To increase Sattva we can exercise, eat nourishing food, practice breathwork and meditation. A moment of quiet self-awareness can set the tone for the rest of the day. Meditation provides the much needed downtime our brains need to recuperate and be mindful.

Set digital boundaries – Healthy boundaries between our personal and professional spaces have always been important, but with work-from-home it is important for us to separate our workspaces and screen spaces from the spaces in our homes we use to unwind and rest. This helps us balance our Vata in our everyday life.

Connect with nature – Nature helps us soothe our senses, cures Vata imbalances and is grounding. Going on regular walks and connecting with nature supports calm and stable energies, proper digestion and gives the balance we need to manage challenging tasks. Schedule 15-30 minute walks without any screens to practice a physical and mental detox.

Just including these small changes as part of one’s daily lifestyle can provide a lot of relief from the constant screen time that has worked into our lives. Some other basic things to keep in mind are staying hydrated, eating healthy and remembering that prevention is better than the cure. Even if fatigue isn’t felt in the body, practicing and cultivating these values have a great impact in the long run.

Self regulating and actively engaging with computers instead of passively absorbing what is on the screen, practicing mindfulness and healthy digital habits as well as actively connecting with friends, family and peers beyond laptop screens are all healthy boundaries one needs to set for themselves – so we can lead our best lives and be our best selves in these uncertain times.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.