Ayurvedic Fasting – A Sacred Pause for Body and Soul

Ayurvedic Fasting – A Sacred Pause for Body and Soul

In a world filled with constant stimulation and a barrage of information, the ancient practice of fasting emerges as a beacon of simplicity and profound healing. Ayurveda, the timeless science of holistic well-being, views fasting not just as a physical detox but as a transformative journey for the body and mind. Let’s embark on a journey into the Ayurvedic perspective on fasting, exploring its benefits, and discovering how to incorporate it into a balanced, dosha-friendly routine.
The Essence of Ayurvedic Fasting:
In Ayurveda, fasting is not a mere abstention from food; it’s a conscious choice to allow the body to rest, rejuvenate, and reset. It aligns with the principle of “Ama,” the accumulation of toxins resulting from incomplete digestion. Fasting, in this context, becomes a powerful tool to eliminate Ama, promoting clarity and vitality.
Five Benefits of Ayurvedic Fasting

1. Detoxification
Fasting provides the digestive system with a break, allowing the body to divert its energy towards internal cleansing. This process aids in the removal of accumulated toxins, promoting optimal organ function.

2. Mental Clarity
Beyond its physical benefits, Ayurvedic fasting is celebrated for its impact on mental well-being. As the body purifies, so does the mind. Fasting is believed to clear mental fog, enhance focus, and elevate overall cognitive function.

3. Balancing Doshas
Ayurveda recognizes that different doshas respond uniquely to fasting. Vata types, for instance, may need a more gentle approach, while Pittas benefit from cooling practices. Kaphas, with their robust constitution, may find intermittent fasting particularly beneficial.

4. Improved Digestion
Fasting allows the digestive system to rest and recover, promoting the efficient processing of nutrients when regular eating resumes. This contributes to improved digestion and absorption.

5. Emotional Balance
The Ayurvedic perspective on fasting extends beyond the physical and mental realms to include emotional well-being. Fasting is seen as a practice that fosters self-discipline, resilience, and a deeper connection to one’s emotional landscape.

Dosha-Friendly Fasting

1. Vata Dosha
Choose warm, nourishing foods during fasting periods. Consider a short, gentle fast to avoid aggravating Vata’s natural tendencies.

2. Pitta Dosha
Opt for cooling practices, including cooling herbal teas and fruits. Embrace shorter, moderate fasts to avoid overtaxing Pitta’s fiery nature.

3. Kapha Dosha
Engage in intermittent fasting to stimulate Kapha’s slower metabolism. Include warming spices and herbal teas to counteract Kapha’s tendency towards stagnation.

How to Incorporate Fasting into Your Routine

1. Start Slow
If new to fasting, begin with shorter durations or intermittent fasting. Allow your body to adapt gradually.

2. Choose the Right Time
Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of timing. Consider seasonal and circadian rhythms when planning your fasting periods.

3. Stay Hydrated
While abstaining from solid foods, stay well-hydrated. Herbal teas and warm water with lemon can be particularly beneficial.

4. Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to how your body responds to fasting. If fatigue or discomfort arises, consider adjusting your approach.

5. Break the Fast Mindfully
When breaking a fast, choose easily digestible foods. A warm, spiced soup or a small, nourishing meal can gently reintroduce your digestive system to regular eating.

Fasting is not just about Letting Go

In the rush of modern life, the practice of Ayurvedic fasting emerges as a sacred pause—a conscious choice to reset the body, clarify the mind, and reconnect with the rhythms of our being.

It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; rather, it’s an invitation to explore and adapt fasting practices to align with your unique dosha and individual needs.

We need to remember that it’s not just about what we are letting go of, but what we are making space for—renewed energy, mental clarity, and a profound sense of well-being that extends far beyond the duration of fasting. So, let’s take a step back, embrace the simplicity of this ancient practice, and allow our body and mind to experience the transformative power of Ayurvedic fasting.

Speak with our Ayurvedic Doctors, Nutritionists, and Healers today to learn more about how Ayurvedic fasting at www.ashaexperience.com

Team ASHAexperience offers ancient Ayurvedic treatment and practices to the world for a sustainable society by offering self-care practices through Ayurveda and Yoga.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Let us guide you through your Healing Journey.

Let us guide you through your Healing Journey.

Discover the 4 steps process of Authentic Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment for holistic healing.
Step 1 : Provide us with the basic health information.

  • We are here to assist you on your healing path and invite you to share your basic health information, allowing our compassionate healing team to understand your unique needs and concerns better.
  • To ease your journey, we have designed a health form where you can freely and safely submit your information.
  • Your information will be confidential as each and every healer has signed the Non-Disclosure Agreement with us.
  • Alternatively, if you prefer to connect with us on a more personal level, we wholeheartedly welcome you to share your information through an email to care@ashaexperience.com. Our dedicated healing team will review your message and respond with loving guidance within 24-48 hours.
Step 2 : Pre-Panchakarma Care

  • Avail 1-hour online Consultation with our esteemed Global Ayurvedic Doctors, each specialising in their respective fields. If you need assistance in choosing the right doctor, our healing team is here to guide you.
  • Following the consultation, your Ayurvedic doctor will provide a comprehensive prescription for the pre-Panchakarma process.
  • It is important to adhere to the doctor’s prescription, including taking Ayurvedic supplements, following a proper diet, and practising yoga and breathing exercises, to prepare the body for pre-Panchakarma care.
  • We will assist you in obtaining the best Ayurvedic supplements available in your region.
  • Additionally, you will receive support from nutritionists and yogis to ensure optimal health to receive your Panchakarma treatment in India.
Step 3 : Hassle-free travel to India for Panchakarma Treatment

  • Our healing team will handle every aspect of your Panchakarma journey to India, making it stress-free.
  • We will coordinate with our resort partners in India that are appropriate for your health condition during the pre-Panchakarma process.
  • Your Ayurvedic doctor will work with our resort partners to establish the treatment protocol.
  • After 6 to 8 weeks of pre-Panchakarma care, we will organise your travel to Kerala, India.
  • We will take care of all travel arrangements, from your arrival at the Indian airport to your return home after the treatment.
  • Your Ayurvedic doctor will closely monitor your health progress throughout the Panchakarma process in India.
Step 4 : Post Panchakarma Treatment

  • We understand the importance of supporting you even after your Panchakarma treatment in India.
  • We ensure a smooth transition back to your home country.
  • Our dedicated healing team will reach out to you after your arrival home, sending a reminder for a post-treatment follow-up consultation within 3 to 4 weeks.
  • We value your convenience and will arrange a 30-minute consultation with your Ayurvedic Doctor at a time that suits you best.
  • Your Post-treatment first follow-up consultation with the Ayurvedic Doctor will be complimentary as part of your treatment process.
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We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

How ayurveda can help reduce screen fatigue

How ayurveda can help reduce screen fatigue

For most people over the last two years, days are spent shuffling between the table and bed, typing away on laptops or phone screens. The pandemic has brought with it many major lifestyle shifts, but one of the most jarring ones has to be the shift to a digital lifestyle. Computers and phones have a purpose in times of isolation, they have been proven to help work through a pandemic – but finding a balance is a necessity. Schools have shifted to online classes and in-person brainstorming sessions have become Zoom meetings. Connecting with loved ones has turned into virtual interactions and most social interactions take place behind a screen.

Since COVID has begun, exposure to screen time has only increased around the world. A study published by WHO links a decline in sleep quality, neck pain, headaches, high blood pressure to increased screen time. Another study has found links between poor mental health and a rise in anxiety and depression with an increase in screen time. Ayurveda teaches living in harmony and with the seasons and the natural flow of every day. This innate rhythm is disrupted by technology.

People around the world have spent the pandemic locked in their homes, doom-scrolling through Instagram, juggling work-from-home emails and binging on streaming sites – and most have felt its consequences. The nagging pain at the back of our eyes, a dull headache, sensitivity to light and difficulty concentrating. Fatigue and exhaustion from screens is real and it manifests itself both mentally and physically. Technology naturally stimulates the Vata Dosha (Vata manages all the movement in our Mind and Body). When Vata is out of balance, we can feel ungrounded and too much screen time tends to make this feeling worse. As we shift into this digital reality – screen time is here to stay.

So, here are some things one can do to combat that tiredness and practice some much needed digital self care.

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule – Akshi Tarpana (that translates to eye rejuvenation) or soothing the eyes is a part of dinacharya. When working on a computer, remembering to take a break every twenty minutes is a great first step. It almost sounds redundant to say this but everyone forgets to take a break. When one looks at computer screens, they tend to blink 66% less than average. Rest your eyes by looking at an object twenty feet away for twenty seconds and give your eyes a chance to relax. Whatever you’re working on, will always be there when you get back from your break.

Meditate – One of the best ways to cope with digital fatigue is Sattva Vijaya (increasing the quality of clarity). To increase Sattva we can exercise, eat nourishing food, practice breathwork and meditation. A moment of quiet self-awareness can set the tone for the rest of the day. Meditation provides the much needed downtime our brains need to recuperate and be mindful.

Set digital boundaries – Healthy boundaries between our personal and professional spaces have always been important, but with work-from-home it is important for us to separate our workspaces and screen spaces from the spaces in our homes we use to unwind and rest. This helps us balance our Vata in our everyday life.

Connect with nature – Nature helps us soothe our senses, cures Vata imbalances and is grounding. Going on regular walks and connecting with nature supports calm and stable energies, proper digestion and gives the balance we need to manage challenging tasks. Schedule 15-30 minute walks without any screens to practice a physical and mental detox.

Just including these small changes as part of one’s daily lifestyle can provide a lot of relief from the constant screen time that has worked into our lives. Some other basic things to keep in mind are staying hydrated, eating healthy and remembering that prevention is better than the cure. Even if fatigue isn’t felt in the body, practicing and cultivating these values have a great impact in the long run.

Self regulating and actively engaging with computers instead of passively absorbing what is on the screen, practicing mindfulness and healthy digital habits as well as actively connecting with friends, family and peers beyond laptop screens are all healthy boundaries one needs to set for themselves – so we can lead our best lives and be our best selves in these uncertain times.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.