Brahmi a wonder herb of Aurveda

Brahmi a wonder herb of Aurveda

Brahmi, a wonder herb of Ayurveda 

“The essence of all beings is Earth. The essence of Earth is Water. The essence of Water is plants. The essence of plants is the human being”

You’ve probably seen Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri in its fresh, organic form if you’ve ever walked through the marshlands. This wet-loving, creeping, blooming herb native to the Americas, India, Africa, and the majority of the rest of the world has an important therapeutic role in Ayurveda.

Brahmi is an aquatic creeping perennial plant that is frequently used to adorn fish tanks, although it may be utilized for much more than that. It has a major impact on cognitive function.

Stress manifests itself in a variety of ways, and so do the methods for dealing with it. Brahmi, in conjunction with other herbs, is used to treat mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, dementia, and ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). This plant is also used to treat inflammatory disorders such as arthritis and ulcers.

Our body, according to ancient Vedic medical practitioners, is made up of physical and spiritual, visible and intangible aspects. Brahmi gets down to the heart of the matter, affecting the most essential component of your being. Brahmi has been regarded as the top contender medicinal plant in the realm of Ayurveda since the time of the Vedas.

Brahmi, which means “godlike” in reference to its excellent reputation for sustaining lifespan and mental vitality, is regarded as potent brain food and is suggested as a cognitive rejuvenator in the Ayurvedic tradition. It’s a popular herb among individuals looking to strengthen and deepen their practice of meditation. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that Brahmi can help with understanding, focus, and remembrance.

Brahmi is typically regarded as safe to combine with other drugs and supplements, and it is most effective after eight to twelve weeks of constant usage. With its long list of advantages, this is one plant that is well worth the wait.

This potent herb may be utilized in a variety of forms, including powder, juice, oils, and pills, but remember to find out the proper dose. Before using Brahmi in your wellness routine, always see an Ayurvedic Doctor.

Brahmi may have been employed in ancient Ayurvedic practices, but now this amazing plant is in the limelight of rising studies supporting cognitive wellness throughout the world.

What are the 5 top benefits of Bacaopa Monieri – Brahmi?

  • Enhances mental clarity and supports memory.
  • Helpful in removing ama (toxins) and acts as a powerful antioxidant and therefore neutralizing harmful free radicals due to its bitter taste.
  • Brahmi oil is great for scalp health reducing dryness, itching, and dandruff whilst calming and soothing the mind.
  • Helps manage stress, anxiety and supports sound sleep.
  • Supports digestive health due to it’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Does Brahmi, a wonder herb of Ayurveda, help in the beauty regimen as well?

The answer to the above question is YES; consistent usage of Brahmi in the skincare routine is believed to improve skin tone and elasticity. Its antioxidant capabilities aid in the removal of pollutants and stimulate cell repair, which tones and maintains the skin appearing younger, as well as brightening the complexion. It works well as an anti-aging component.

Brahmi is a disinfectant and a therapeutic herb. The herb promotes skin healing and is used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Brahmi oil is high in vitamin C, which helps to minimize the obvious symptoms of scarring. It smoothes, softens, and hydrates the skin.

If your skin is prone to acne, Brahmi may be the most efficient herbal remedy to keep acne and pimples at bay owing to its anti-bacterial characteristics. A face mask made of organic Brahmi powder, turmeric powder, hibiscus powder, neem powder, Triphala powder, besan (chickpea flour), and water is excellent for keeping the skin clean, oil-free, and acne-free.

Can we consume Brahmi as food?

Yes again, Brahmi leaves are a fantastic addition to your herbal cabinet. It may be eaten fresh from the plant and is commonly consumed as salad greens, but it can also be used in a variety of dishes such as pesto, herbal tea, and nighttime super milk.

We are sure by now you are convinced to explore further about this wonder herb from the Ayurvedic Doctors, Nutritionists, and Chefs at ASHAexperience and order your Brahmi Ayurvedic tablets.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Healing role of Ayurveda in treating Cancer

Healing role of Ayurveda in treating Cancer


a mere mention of the word makes people shudder and experience a “chill run down their spine”; for it is not something minor. Cancer is a disease that keeps many in prayers and a few more hopes high! While many have succumbed to this disease, there are people who have survived the trauma, with their family’s support. The trends in cancer treatments have changed; from not knowing the diagnosis to identifying medicines to radio and chemotherapy, and alternative medicines playing their roles, the trends have changed. While specialists suggest medication and therapy as treatments for cancer, there are many who have emerged successfully from the battle with alternative treatments such as Ayurveda. Before knowing about what Ayurveda could do, it is important to get a better understanding of cancer.

As per WHO’s (World Health Organization) reports, cancer is a disease in which some cells grow without control and spread to other parts of the body. Through cell division, human cells grow and multiply, biologically. Sometimes, this chain breaks and changes with abnormal cell growth, which generally form as tumors. The nature of the tumor may or may not be cancerous.

While normal cells grow as and when they receive signals, cancer cells grow in the absence of these signals, marking it different from normal cells. Also, normal cells do not move around, i.e, normal cells stop growing when they encounter other cells. Since cancer cells multiply, they are capable of being hidden from the immune system, hence avoiding damage.

So, how does one get cancer?

While there is no one particular cause for cancer technically, rather, researchers believe the cause to be a combination of genetic, environmental, causes, and constitutional characteristics of an individual. Most often, adults are diagnosed with cancer due to their repetitive exposures such as tobacco use, consumption of alcohol, and/or exposure to toxic chemicals; while in other adults and children, genetics play a vital role as the cause.

As the types of cancer are varied, the diagnosis of cancer is classified into two – primary and secondary. Primary cancer is diagnosed based on the origin of the cancer cells; for instance, the cancer cells originate in the lungs, the diagnosis would go by the same name. When the cells spread to another organ, they would still go by the same name and become secondary cancer, and staging in cancer determines the spread and severity of cancer.

How can Ayurveda help in not falling prey to Cancer?

Role of Ayurveda in Treating Cancer

Ayurveda advises us to live according to our constitution, daily and seasonal rhythm, and every once in a while undergoing a Pancha Karma treatment – to prevent or restore the imbalance of Doshas and Dhatus – and a number of conditions can be relieved at an early stage. Ayurveda doctors urge their patients to have more Sattvic foods to balance both body and mind, respectively Doshas and Gunas. Sattvic foods consist of fresh, energizing foods such as fresh fruits and (leafy) vegetables, milk, cereals, pure fruit juices, butter and fresh cheese, fresh nuts, seeds, sprouts, honey, and herbal teas.

How to treat cancer?

The medical field and team are adapting to the dynamics in treating cancer; recent studies have thrown some light to alternative medicine, specifically Ayurveda. Ayurveda, one of the most ancient techniques of treatment, works around identifying the root of a diagnosis using multiple techniques. The core belief in Ayurveda revolves around balancing the body, mind, and spirit for the longevity of life; and ayurvedic medicines include specific diets, herbal medicines, yoga, meditation, and many more. Ayurvedic practitioners believe the combination of nature’s elements increases energy, wellness, along with the prevention of disease.

Apart from the accepted medication process such as surgery and chemotherapy, Ayurveda has also proved to be effective in countries that face difficulty in accessing treatments. A study has shown that Ayurveda has proved to be a wanted treatment methodology among patients hailing from varied economic groups; this treatment method has not only eased their financial burden, it has also eased their psychological burden when compared to opting for surgery.

Various hospitals across the nation are collaborating with institutes focusing on alternative medicine to treat cancer. Experts and therapists prepare modules based on the patients’ diagnoses and are under observation – to understand if yoga helps to improve the quality of life among cancer patients; and, has proven to be less traumatic among patients.

Why is Ayurveda most opted for in recent years?

Ayurveda does not follow aggressive practices in treatment, which marks it different from Western medication. Since the herbs support the purification process, they can determine subtle or major disturbances at an early stage.

Ayurveda advises to live according to the individual’s constitution, as a way to prevent imbalances; following so, many conditions are identified and treated at the early stages. Practicing yoga and meditation improves the stability of the body and the mind; and maintaining a strict diet of having healthy food (more fruits and vegetables, avoiding oil/junk, and so on), has proven to be beneficial for the body, thus reducing the risk of cancer or any other illness.

To learn more about it and have your questions answered by our Doctors, Healers, and Cancer Coach, join us live on February 4th for our upcoming event Healing Role of Ayurveda in Treating Cancer,” and discover the integrative functions of Ayurveda and its applications as the most supportive alternative in Cancer treatment. Click on the link to pre-register yourself and your loved ones for this intriguing complimentary session at the earliest.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Asthma – Thamaka Swasa

Asthma – Thamaka Swasa

Tips to boost immunity against Asthma – the most common winter problem

Ayurveda gives tips to boost immunity against asthma. Ayurveda doesn’t only focus on physical entities of life but is a wholesome source of knowledge dealing with the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual construct of life. Therefore it is the most rational and scientific knowledge which aims at treating the disorders of distressed/diseased as well as promoting the health of a healthy individual.

With this regard, Ayurveda has certain basic concepts which when followed rightly protect and nourish body and mind. This includes the conduct and pursuits of life derived from the five elements of nature- the Panchamahabhuta. The routine and regimen are based upon the natural factors mentioned under the context of Dinacharya (the daily regimen) and Rtucharya (the seasonal regimen) in the treatise Ashtanga Sangraham / Ashtanga Hridayam written by Vagbhata Acharya. The manifestation of diseases depends upon the external environmental factors when it is not in sync with the internal components of the body. Therefore, following a seasonally conducive regime plays an important role in the context of health.

How Seasons Define the Functioning of Our Body?

Let us understand the connection between seasons and the functioning of our body; We need to look into the structuring of the year according to Ayurveda. The 12 months of a year are classified under 6 Ritu (seasons), with two Māsa (Months) under one Ritu. The whole year is divided into two parts with 3 Ritu for each.

The 3 consecutive seasons of SiShira, Vasanta, GrìSma (January till July) comprise “UttaraayaNa” – the period when Sun is traversing to the north of equator, though it is the equatorial inclination of the earth, let us just assume that the sun “travels” for simpler understanding as we can see the directional reference. This period is called “AdānaKāla i.e. period of extraction/taking away strength.

The seasons of VarSha, Sarad, Hēmanta (July to January) comprise Dakshinayana – sun traversing to the south of the equator. This period is called VisargaKāla i.e period of discharge, it gives back strength and vitality.

The basis for health is Hita Bhuk, Mita Bhuk, Ritu Bhuk- which is to eat mindfully which is conducive, only what is needed and what is “SEASONAL”.

In order to maintain health, following the nutrition & regime as per season is important. It is interesting that in Ayurveda diseases are treated considering all these factors attributing to the seasonal regime.

Every season has important characteristics and specific regime to be followed. One of the most common problems faced by many during colder months, is the difficulty in breathing which is explained in terms of Bronchial Asthma. This is commonly seen in colder months due to accumulation of Cold in the body in addition to the colder temperature and weather externally.

What is the root cause of Asthma – learn from Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, Asthma which is termed as Tamaka Swasa is caused due to imbalanced Kapha, which is usually associated with discomfort in breathing and problems related to respiratory organs.

The underlying cause of all asthmatic conditions is increased Kapha dosha in the stomach. From there it moves into the lungs, trachea and bronchi. The increased kapha blocks the natural flow of air, creating spasm in the bronchial tree and resulting in asthma and wheezing.

Environmental and lifestyle factors also play a role in asthma. Consuming cold or stale foods are not easy to digest and lead to the formation of ama (mucus) thereby causing blockage in the respiratory channel and difficulty in breathing. Living in a cold and damp environment is also a reason for asthma.

What happens during an Asthma Attack?

If an asthma attack is not controlled in time, it can leave a person breathless. In simpler words, an attack could be triggered due to allergic reactions to irritants, or some other triggers or stimuli like dust, smoke, fumes or chemical allergens like pollen or grass. This causes imbalance in Doshas in various levels leading to difficulty in breathing and other symptoms. The typical characteristics of Kapha, Pitta Dosha causes symptoms like wheezing, coughing, fever and irritability. Asthma caused by Vata Dosha can be acknowledged by wheezing, dry mouth, thirst, dry cough, dry skin, anxiety and constipation.

Ayurvedic practitioners also focus on diet, exercise, and deep breathing techniques to help reduce asthma symptoms.

Herbs like vasa, pushkarmula and yastimadhu have been known to control the symptoms of asthma. These herbs may have antihistamine, bronchodilating, and anti-asthmatic properties.

The general line of treatment includes treating the symptoms and ease the respiration followed by balancing the doshas (elemental imbalance of our individual body).

The following formulations are beneficial in treating Asthma but to be strictly followed under professional advice from an Ayurvedic Practitioner.

  • Swasari Vati
  • Tulasi
  • Vasaavaleha
  • Sitopaladi Churna
  • Abraka Bhasma
  • Yashtimadhu Churna

Few home remedies and combinations that help mild Asthmatic conditions.

Ginger helps to deal with inflammation. Half cup of ginger tea mixed with 2-3 crushed garlic cloves is effective to release the kapha accumulation in the airways, thereby preventing asthmatic attacks.

“Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4th teaspoon trikatu (trikatu is a combination of three (tri) spices or herbs that are hot (katu). It is a blend of equal parts of Pippali or long pepper, black pepper and dry ginger ) into a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and add 1 teaspoon of honey before drinking,” suggests Dr. Vasant Lad in his book on Ayurvedic remedies.

Golden milk or Turmeric milk with a pinch of cardamom helps reduce tightness in chest.

Licorice has anti inflammatory properties. Licorice tea helps in reducing pain in the throat and inflammation.

Half teaspoon of bay leaf and 1/4th teaspoon of pippali/long pepper mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey soothes the respiratory tract and is useful in chronic Asthmatic conditions.

Pepper Ginger Honey combination is a very well-known home remedy for respiratory symptoms.

YashtiMadhu/ Licorice is said to help enormously in various symptoms of Asthma. Yashti Madhu consumed as Khada/ Tea helps relieve inflammation. It can also be administered with pepper and Rock sugar. Sometimes it causes vomiting but it is a progressive indication of expulsion of Phlegm. Thereby Yashti Madhu acts in various ways in treating Asthma.

These are the self-awareness in terms of lifestyle that one needs to follow in
case of Asthma both as preventive as well as line of treatment:

  • Pulses like rice, wheat, barley, beans should be consumed regularly.
  • Avoid exposure to indoor and outdoor pollution, cigarette smoke, and allergens.
  • Add Honey to your drinks and teas (should be lukewarm not hot).
  • Nuts and dry fruits can be taken in moderate amount.
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants.
  • Heavy foods like milk, cheese, curd, buttermilk and banana should be avoided.
  • Oily, greasy and fried foods should be avoided.
  • Try to avoid the cold and refrigerated foods and drinks.
  • Avoid excessive activities or physical exercises.
  • Yoga and meditation can be helpful.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when stepping out in cold weather.
  • Avoid processed foods, additives, white sugar and artificial sweeteners.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Corporate Wellness Program in NYC Based on Ayurveda and Yoga

Corporate Wellness Program in NYC Based on Ayurveda and Yoga

First time, A Corporate Wellness Program in NYC Based on Ayurveda That You Cannot Resist

An ideal corporate wellness program in New York is based on Ayurveda and Yoga, which brings immense benefits of physical and emotional well-being for the employees. This program helps the employees to reach their full potential, increasing their performance at the workplace and boosting their self-confidence. A healthier, happier life at the workplace is what every employee and the organization wishes for mutual growth and development.

ASHAexperience has come up with a unique corporate wellness program based on Ayurveda and Yoga that is quite a breakthrough among any normal corporate wellness programs. With a holistic healthcare and natural wellness approach, the Ayurvedic wellness program is the emerging trend in worksite wellness for every type of organization around the globe.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Corporate Worksite Wellness Platform for New York companies

  • A curative and preventive approach towards each employee’s body constitution flowcharts an individuals’ intake of nutritious food, mental and physical well-being with smart decision making skills at the workplace thus boosting productivity and workforce retention in an organization.
  • Ayurveda brings in a marked change in the behavioral science among your employees without any drastic change in their day to day work culture and lifestyle at the workplace. Worksite wellness platforms in NYC encourage healthy habits for their employees to promote zeal in the workforce and help prevent health problems such as diabetes, anxiety, stress and heart disease.

Why will you be thrilled to choose this well-designed Worksite Wellness Platform from ASHAexperience based on Ayurveda?

A worksite wellness platform that is both fun and rejuvenating at the workplace
  • An Ayurvedic wellness program that readily adapts to the employees’ current lifestyle both at workplace and home.
  • Globally accredited Ayurvedic Doctors, Nutritionists and Yoga practitioners can be reached online at the very comfort of your workplace.
  • Understand your individual body constitution and talk about your physical, emotional and mental well-being
  • Ayurvedic nutrition based tailored recommendations for each employee’s daily food intake.
  • Creative workplace well-being programs with Yoga and Meditation from ASHAexperience for your employees to enjoy the process of ayurvedic natural wellness at the workplace.

Smart findings about Corporate Wellness Programs Growth in New York

From New York Times,
  • Employees who participate in corporate wellness programs do report more job satisfaction and higher levels of happiness.
  • A 2010 Harvard study found that there’s a 6-to-1 return on investment: For every dollar spent on employee wellness, medical costs fall $3.27; costs associated with absenteeism drop a few dollars as well.
  • Another research suggests that our fixation on our smartphones contributes to headaches, bad posture, fatigue, depression and anxiety.
  • Last April, as the world moved into a global lockdown, more than two million people paid $69.99 for an annual subscription to the app, on apps like “daily calms,” or short talks on things like the beauty of mandalas and de-escalating conflict, breathing exercises and soundscapes with titles like “White Noise Ocean Surf” and “Wind in Pines.”

Natural Wellness has become synonymous with productivity and self-optimization. But this wellness is not something that can be downloaded or consumed! It has to be practiced by one, in their daily life.

Enjoy this creative well-designed corporate wellness program based on Ayurveda from ASHAexperience that is equally fun and holistic, sure to bring a happier healthier lifestyle at the workplace for your employees and the organization’s growth.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

6 Ways to have Mindfulness at Work

6 Ways to have Mindfulness at Work

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us, however big or small. Individuals who practice mindfulness are aware of minute actions and their surroundings, be it typing on the keypad or light emanating from the laptop. To put it simply, Mindfulness is about being fully present in the current moment.
In this age of Attention Economy, when human beings’ mindspace is commoditized, Mindfulness is slowly becoming an essential life skill, be it at work or home. The renowned Buddhist teacher Thich Nath Hahn reminds us that almost half of our lives are spent at work. Therefore the quality of what we bring to our work – despite what we do – has deep resonance in the rest of our lives. According to him, our work can be a great nourishment and the cause of a lot of our suffering. Here are a few simple exercises to practice Mindfulness at work:

Pay attention: It’s hard to slow down and notice things in a busy world. Try to take the time to experience your environment with all of your senses — touch, sound, sight, smell and taste.

Live in the moment: Try to intentionally bring an open, accepting and discerning attention to everything you do. Find joy in simple pleasures.

Accept yourself: Treat yourself the way you would treat a good friend.

Focus on your breathing: When you have negative thoughts, try to sit down, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Sitting and breathing for even just a minute can help.

Check Email Less: A constantly pinging inbox can be a constant source of distraction, while taking you away from higher-priority tasks. If your job allows it, disable your push notifications and only check your email when you actually have uninterrupted time to concentrate fully on it.

Practice gratitude: Having a bad day at work? Use those days as an opportunity to cultivate mindfulness at work. Try meditation and write down all the reasons you like your job to remind yourself why you chose this job to begin with. Remind yourself it’s a bad day not a bad job.

Drawing boundaries after work: Whether you are working from home or an office it’s important to unplug at the end of the workday and set boundaries, so you can be truly present after. Here’s one way to do it: turn off your phone, laptop, audio book, and any other distractions, and simply be — noticing things around you and focusing on the breath. If thoughts about work issues and stress arise, simply acknowledge them and let them go.

How ASHAexperience can help you practice Mindfulness at Work

At ASHAexperience, we have experienced Yogis and Meditation experts who can help our patrons cultivate the art of Mindfulness in everyday life. Our teachers are available for a 1:1 virtual consultation to help the corporate workforce reduce stress and fatigue.

At ASHAexperience, we also host Corporate Wellness Workshops in USA and Europe which includes Ayurvedic Wellness and Yoga & Meditation Workshops for the corporate sector. With this program, we strive to bring healthier and happier employees to the workplace.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

How Ayurveda helps in Healing of Ailments

How Ayurveda helps in Healing of Ailments

Ayurveda helps in healing ailments

Ayurveda is an ancient science of wellbeing physically, mentally and spiritually. The human body has a tremendous capacity to heal itself in a balanced state. Almost all the ailments can be taken care of once the body, mind, and soul are in sync. By bringing the physical and psychological systems in balance we can remove the cause of disease, its symptoms and then allow the damaged system to heal itself. The psychological state of an individual should be calm, relaxed, and stable so that it isn’t stimulated by external triggering factors and the body is in healing mode.

Ayurveda takes care of physical and emotional health

Ayurveda guides people to be conscious about their physical and emotional health by the way they conduct their day-to-day life. A dedicated and consistent approach to balance the doshas (the unique pattern of bio forces) of the body by following Ayurveda, Yoga Meditation and diet makes a conducive environment for any disease to heal faster.

Follow Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda had long back established the relation between our eating habits and our health, hence it becomes important to nourish ourselves as per Ayurveda guidelines to be a healthier being. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, salads, herbal teas, milk, nuts, seeds, honey, freshly prepared food on a daily basis are beneficial for your health. Use of Frozen and processed food items, preserved, fermented, deep fried, too spicy foods, food containing artificial colours, flavours should be limited. Non vegetarian preparations, alcohol and caffeine should be consumed in moderation.

Ayurveda has given immense importance to physical activity to attain a desirable health .Yoga is an important part of Ayurveda which helps to maintain the physiological functions of the body to run smoothly. It is just not about certain postures but bringing the body to follow a certain kind of dynamics so that the energies flow freely in the body and therefore enhancing the quality of life.

Ayurveda on Sexual Wellness

Ayurveda has given a lot of emphasis on sexual wellness, which is very often ignored by many of us, but has a very significant effect on our health. Ayurveda has a separate segment known as vajikarna chikitsa which recommends the use of herbal supplements and panchkarma treatments to enhance sexual wellness as it contributes in the emotional health of an individual and healing.

Meditation is again a very important part of Yoga which heals the souls. Meditation enhances spiritual health. It uplifts the vibrations and energies of an individual to overcome the ailment and helps in healing faster.
Dr. Nidhi Navani

Dr. Nidhi Navani

Healer at ASHAexperience

Ayurvedic Doctor with hand full of 20 years of experience in curing various health issues like Haemarroids, Anal Fissures, Fistula, Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar Spondylosis, Knee Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.