How Dosha in Ayurveda can focus on your Love Relationship

How Dosha in Ayurveda can focus on your Love Relationship

Love Relationship

Love may be more in the heart and mind rather than the body, but it is still affected by the Ayurvedic doshas. Whether you lean more Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, this can influence your dating style, your choice of a partner, and the way you behave in relationships. Knowing about your dosha and the dosha of your partner will bring a deeper understanding to your reactions, and your interactions as a couple.

How to Identify Vata-dominant Personality?

Vata-dominant individuals are expressive and creative but may get distant easily. They can be amazing company when in balance, but when out of balance they can be worried and nervous. Vatas like expressing love in creative ways, like surprise dinners and spontaneous gifts, so that their partner knows they are always thinking about them. Vatas tend to bottle up their emotions and frustrations, which can lead to overreactions, so prompting communication is key. Vatas do not like following boring routines so be sure to keep things fun and exciting if you have a Vata partner.

Pitta-dominant Personality

Pitta-dominant individuals are passionate and spicy, but also have a need for accomplishment. They are fun and creative when in balance, but when out of balance they can be competitive and controlling. They can be quick to anger, but with a little space, are also quick to cool down. Pittas like expressing love through grand gestures like romantic getaways, and also enjoy physical touch. Pittas do not shy away from confrontation so working through tension quickly and gently can soothe this temptation. Pittas love to be organized to maximize their time and are not the go-with-the-flow type of people, however, they are absolutely in the moment so do not push for a commitment too quickly.

The Kapha-dominant Personality

Kapha-dominant individuals are sweet and nurturing but need reminders to stay on track of their goals. They make others feel at ease when in balance, but when out of balance they can become lethargic and sad. Kaphas like expressing love through deep discussions and romantic declarations. Kaphas avoid confrontation, absorb negative energy, and have a difficult time forgiving and forgetting, so discussion and positivity are elemental. Kaphas love stability so commitment comes easily and is a natural progression in a relationship.

How to Maintain Love Relationship

In general to maintain your relationships, remember to eat well and nourish your body. Eating foods that support a joyful mood will make your relationships more joyful as well. This includes fresh, highly digestible foods that create ojas, which are the biochemical equivalent of happiness and bliss. Be sure to include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy oils, and fresh milk in your diet. Cook your foods with care and fresh each day to produce the most ojas.

Stay away from Anxiety and Stress

Most people strive to be in a kind, loving, supportive, and considerate relationship. Conflict usually arises when the stress of day-to-day life creeps in. A buildup of stress and anxiety can cause tempers to flare, and unkind words can be spoken. Prevent this type of relationship conflict by managing stress before it gets to the point of no return. Treat yourself gently and kindly, so you can in turn treat your partner gently and kindly, and with understanding.

Unconditional Forgiveness

One important relationship practice is unconditional forgiveness. If you can practice unconditionally forgiving your partner (and yourself and anyone else for that matter), you can break the cycle of blame. Setting conditions for your partner to ‘earn’ your love is setting them up for failure and setting your heart up for disappointment. Giving unconditional love to your partner, or any relationship sets the groundwork for a healthy, nourishing partnership.

Know Yourself

Another important relationship practice is to know yourself. If there is a problem in your relationship, turn to yourself first. Understand what you can and can not handle, and be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Being honest about this will allow you to be at your best for both yourself and your partner. Keep your body and mind cared for and your dosha balanced to put your best foot forward in your relationships.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Why Sleep Management is important for Corporate Employees

Why Sleep Management is important for Corporate Employees

Poor sleep quality impacts the health of employees and the quality of work.

But, what connections are there between a good night’s sleep and your team’s daily performance?

Well, Sleep Deprivation can have very negative consequences for the individual, from loss of concentration and productivity to more severe diseases such as Hypertension and Heart Disease.

I recently read a super interesting article about a company that paid its employees to sleep better. That’s right! An American health insurance company, Aetna, decided to reward employees who sleep at least seven hours a night. Employees can earn up to $300 more in their yearly salary just to get a good night’s sleep. The program was created in 2009 due to the company’s concern about the impact of lack of sleep on employee performance. Each year the number of participants only grows, and in 2015, almost half of Aetna’s employees (12 thousand people) had already joined the program.

So, how sleep management will improve productivity at work?

With the arrival of adulthood, many people prioritize professional development, often sacrificing nights of sleep. However, many are unaware that sleeping well helps at work and can even improve performance and creativity.

The growing demands of modern life have led people to increasingly value career advancement. However, this can be a very dangerous practice, directly harming aspects such as health, affective life and even development at work.

Improvements in mood, reduced stress, and increased creativity are some of the areas of life that benefit when we understand the value of a night’s rest.

Below I explain how rest can impact your performance and bring better results at work.

Increased productivity and creativity

It is very difficult to maintain focus and motivation when you are tired, and in these conditions, it is common for people to stop paying attention to what is happening around them. In the face of exhaustion scenarios, minor errors usually occur.

Although many believe that sacrificing a night’s rest to finish a job is a professional advantage, studies show that sleep deprivation decreases people’s ability to process information and solve problems.

So remember that, to be the professional that the market is looking for, sleeping and allowing your brain to have the deserved rest will be essential.

Decreased stress

It is common for people to have difficulty “disconnecting” from the problems and demands of work, which can lead to a decrease in rest hours. However, repeated nights of sleep deprivation can increase anxiety, stress and irritability.

With the job market increasingly demanding, people live under a high level of professional pressure. But, just like leisure time, rest at night is the key to replenishing mental energy and improving motivation at work.

Improvements in mood

Did you know that sleeping poorly directly affects our ability to relate to people? Now, think how important it is to be able to interact with co-workers easily as a professional.

In addition to being invigorating, valuing a night’s sleep will help you live in harmony with the different profiles of people in your professional environment.

Coming back to the main topic – why should companies care about the sleep management of their employees?

The formula for good performance at work includes a cheap activity: sleeping. Quality sleep is critical to maintaining productivity. However, this important daily task is being neglected by many professionals.

How did you sleep last night? It may sound like a weird question, but studies prove that sleep is one of the most significant factors influencing how you’ll work – and perform – today and throughout your life.

In recent years, an increasing number of companies have been concerned about the quality of sleep of their employees, and different actions have been adopted to work on this issue in organizations. Johnson & Johnson, for example, offers employees a digital coaching program to combat insomnia, which involves an online sleep diary and mobile relaxation videos. And of course, I couldn’t forget to mention Google, with the initiative called Sleeposium, which are informative symposia that reveal the benefits of good sleep and give practical tips to help employees sleep better.

The fact is that poor sleep quality affects productivity and health costs for the employee. For example, a Harvard survey estimated that the average worker misses 11.3 workdays a year due to lack of sleep. This is estimated to amount to an annual loss of $63.2 billion to the US economy.

Investing in your team’s quality of life can bring an invaluable return, as it not only affects the company financially but also promotes more health and well-being for your team.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.