The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Spiritual Power in 5 Easy Steps

Whenever someone mentions the word “spiritual power”, the first thing that comes to many minds is running off to Peru, or maybe even an Indian Ashram like The Beatles did!
This misconception is widely spread. But you might be surprised to know that spirituality can be found even in your own home.
You do not have to leave your comfort zone to find it. There are various ways to be spiritually awakened and realize one’s higher power, such as through practices like Yoga and Meditation, just like I did.
We’ll go into all the details of just how simple the process is in this blog.
To begin with ,
Be Mindful of Your Intention
You will then consciously accept your yearning for learning about topics related to consciousness, energy, the study of the human mind and explore topics related to karma or the cause and effect theories, spirituality, meditation & mindfulness, love & relationships etc.
It’s almost like opening Pandora’s box where you will explore life with an infinite amount of knowledge waiting for you ahead.
Boost Your Mind
Start absorbing all sorts of knowledge from everywhere! Try your best to listen to TED talks, read books and listen even more to podcasts!
You may ask why should you expand your mind?
Only when you break away from the sweet slumber can you experience a spiritual awakening!
Put Your Well-Being First
Be mindful of what you put in your body and stay active. When we allow our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects to become overwhelmed, we block holistic growth opportunities.
Keep your spirit clean by feeding it well, moving along, communicating with colleagues, taking breaks, attending the yoga class or meditation retreats if possible, or simply deep breathing regularly.
Go Out
Also, meet people- we as a race have become so accustomed to relying on technology that sometimes you forget how integral a connection to people is.
Text or call an old friend; drop hints that you want to hang out and see if they bite!
Also, have that alone time to contemplate. Go to a place where there’s no one around and enjoy some solitude. Walk barefoot on the grass- it’s an extremely grounding experience.
Be Still
Spirituality is best experienced when we allow ourselves to be silent and still – so even if just for 15 minutes each day – it’s crucial that you “sit” down in a quiet spot where you’re comfortable, turn off distractions such as phones or other electronic devices (because they will get in the way of your concentration), set a timer for how long you’d like to meditate, and take 15 – 30 minutes (or more) using your breath as an anchor.
If your mind seems to be raging with thoughts, it’s okay- it’s normal, just bring the focus back to your breathing. If you find silent meditation tough, try guided meditation; there are plenty of apps and online sources that are free on the web.

Final Say
You will then consciously accept your yearning for learning about topics related to consciousness, energy, the study of the human mind and explore topics related to karma or the cause and effect theories, spirituality, meditation & mindfulness, love & relationships etc.
It’s almost like opening Pandora’s box where you will explore life with an infinite amount of knowledge waiting for you ahead.
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