The Transformative Power of Cold Showers

The Transformative Power of Cold Showers

Transformative Power of Cold Showers – What does Ayurveda say about it

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing and well-being, emphasizes the balance of mind, body, and spirit for optimal health. Among its various holistic practices, Ayurveda recognizes the significance of cold showers in promoting overall wellness and vitality. While cold showers might initially seem uncomfortable, Ayurveda asserts they can be a powerful tool in harmonizing our doshas (bioenergies) and leaving us feeling on top of the world. Let’s explore the Ayurvedic perspective on how cold showers can enhance our well-being.

Understanding the Doshas

Ayurveda categorises individuals into three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha represents specific elemental qualities and governs various physical and mental characteristics. Vata is associated with air and space and governs movement and creativity. Pitta, linked to fire and water, is responsible for digestion, metabolism, and intelligence. Kapha embodies earth and water, governing stability, immunity, and emotional well-being. Imbalances in these doshas can lead to various health issues.

What is the impact of Cold Showers on Doshas?

Balancing Vata Dosha:

    Vata dosha is prone to imbalance during colder seasons and in cold environments. Cold showers can help balance Vata by creating warmth and stability within the body. The grounding effect of cold water can reduce excessive Vata’s airy and restless qualities, promoting a sense of calmness and centeredness.

Soothing Pitta Dosha:

    Pitta dosha tends to be fiery and intense, and exposure to cold water can help pacify its excessive heat. Cold showers have a cooling effect on the body, reducing inflammation and calming an overactive mind. By easing Pitta imbalances, cold showers can promote better digestion and emotional well-being.

Reducing Kapha Dosha Imbalance:

    Kapha dosha can lead to sluggishness and lethargy. Cold showers invigorate and stimulate the body, helping to combat Kapha’s stagnation. The uplifting nature of cold water can revitalise the mind and body, promoting a sense of lightness and enthusiasm.

What are the Physical Benefits of a cold shower?

According to Ayurveda, cold showers offer many physical benefits that contribute to overall well-being.

Improved Circulation:

    The sudden exposure to cold water causes vasoconstriction, which prompts blood vessels to contract and dilate. This rhythmic process of constriction and dilation enhances blood circulation, benefiting the cardiovascular system and promoting healthier blood flow.


    Cold showers induce the lymphatic system to flush out toxins and waste products from the body. This detoxification process can boost the immune system and improve overall health.

Balanced Skin Health:

    Ayurveda believes that our skin reflects our inner health. Cold showers help maintain skin elasticity, tone, and hydration. Reducing inflammation can also alleviate skin conditions and promote a healthy glow.

Faster Muscle Recovery:

    Cold showers can aid muscle recovery after intense physical activity by reducing inflammation and soreness. This can help athletes and fitness enthusiasts bounce back faster and perform at their best.

What are the Mental and Emotional Benefits of cold showers?

Ayurveda emphasises the inseparable connection between the mind and body. The mental and emotional benefits of cold showers are as important as the physical ones:

Stress Reduction:

      Cold showers release endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which can alleviate stress and anxiety. The practice of focusing on the breath and embracing discomfort during the shower can also promote mindfulness and a sense of inner peace.

Enhanced Focus and Clarity:

      The invigorating effect of cold showers can sharpen mental clarity and focus. By awakening the senses, cold showers can improve concentration and productivity throughout the day.

Emotional Balance:

      As mentioned earlier, cold showers can help balance the doshas, which are significant in emotional well-being. The cooling nature of cold water can soothe fiery emotions and instil a sense of tranquillity.

Ayurvedic Guidelines for Cold Showers

While cold showers can offer numerous benefits, Ayurveda recommends that individuals approach them mindfully, considering their unique constitution and environmental factors. Here are some Ayurvedic guidelines for incorporating cold showers into your routine:

Respect Your Dosha:

      Vata types may prefer shorter cold showers to avoid excessive cooling, while Pitta and Kapha can benefit from longer, cooler showers.

Gradual Progression:

      If you are new to cold showers, start gradually. Begin with lukewarm water and gradually decrease the temperature over time.

Avoid During Illness:

      Cold showers may not be suitable during illness or extreme fatigue. Listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly.

After Exercise:

    Taking a cold shower after physical activity can be especially beneficial for reducing inflammation and aiding muscle recovery.

    Embrace the Experience:

        During the cold shower, focus on your breath and stay present in the moment. Embrace the sensation of the cold water and allow yourself to relax into the experience.

      Incorporating cold showers into your daily routine, guided by Ayurvedic principles, can be a transformative practice that harmonises your mind, body, and spirit. By balancing the doshas, enhancing circulation, and promoting emotional well-being, cold showers align with Ayurveda’s holistic approach to health. Embrace the invigorating power of cold showers, and you may find yourself feeling on top of the world, more connected to yourself, and radiating vitality and positivity. Remember to connect with our Ayurvedic Doctor if you don’t know your Dosas and want to know more about the cold shower to enjoy the journey of self-discovery and well-being.

      We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

      You can heal your body

      You can heal your body

      Heal your body with a Morning Routine

      It was March this year when I worked myself into a mental and physical exaction. In the coaching industry and on social media I learned you have to hustle all day and this for years to have success. I followed this hustler-strategy for nearly 8 years. I lost creativity, time for relaxing, friends and family. I noticed I was more sick this year than ever before. My body, mind and soul got kicked out of balance and my inner voice was screaming for help, silence and most of it for sleep. I was also suffering from a hormonal imbalance; I had a surgery done on my uterus and I knew now I really have to change something. Western medicine declared after the surgery for them was all done, mental exhaustion they said came from the hormone imbalance. I will get some pills and if this does not help I get some other hormones and this is it.

      I Connected with the Ayurvedic Healing Community – ASHAexperience

      So this was the moment I knew I could only help myself. I called Bijoya, and with her and ASHAexperience. I started my journey to India for Panchakarma. I knew I needed at least 21 days of healing. I learned I can’t do it alone and I knew this time I am only taking time for myself. Only me and 21 days.

      Everyone around me, friends, family, and even my closest ones said: Anja, are you crazy why are you going to India for a classical Panchakarma? And what is this even? And Ayurveda? How should this help you heal?

      I left everyone behind with their fears and horror scenarios. I know now it is time to heal holistically and Ayurveda is 5000 years old. They know what healing really means and is about.

      Ayurvedic Doctors Consultation at ASHAexperience
      I had a three-month preparation time with my Ayurvedic doctor. All consultation was done online. During Covid, it was easy to handle. I have already started to change my eating habits. Also, I needed to take a look at Ayurvedic medicines to prepare my body, mind, and soul for the trip. The whole organization was done by ASHAexperience. This was the most stressful part for me to let go of control. I had put all my hope, fears, and trust into this journey and Bijoya’s hands because I knew this will change everything. Was it easy? Not for me who started working less, letting go of the unhealthy hustler mentally. Start taking care of myself.

      Not only was I changing my eating habits, but I did also start journaling again and meditating in the morning. This helps also a lot to have the go from the Ayurvedic doctor: I am ready now for India. Ready for the 21-day journey.

      Travel Experience in India for Ayurvedic Treatment

      I only organized flights and visas by myself. Other than that I was arriving in India, got picked up and a driver was bringing me into this beautiful resort. Everyone there knew I would be coming. Since the first day they have taken care of me. I gave all the documents from the doctor to my Ayurvedic doctor and when I had my first consultation they knew half of my story already.

      It started in my consultation that the doctors treated me holistically. We were talking one hour about my condition mentally, physically and also my soul. After this I had a chat with a nutritionist and then I got my first treatment and got to know my therapists. They went on the journey with me for 21 days every single day.

      I decided to let go of all control and told my doctors if they and my nutritionist can take care of my diet during the 21 days. So my focus was only on myself and how I feel about what they did. I got my therapy plan, and a plan from the nutritionist as advice on what to follow and what not. This is up to everyone itself. If you keep following what they suggest without judging you will have the best results. I was talking every day to the doctors and if something needed to be adjusted they did. And I can tell you they did more than what I expected. Never in my whole life I was asking for so much. I was asking for changes in my diet, I was telling my therapists everyday if I needed soft or more intense treatment especially when they massaged. Was this easy for me? Not in the beginning, because I was raised not to put yourself in the middle. Telling my needs and what feels good for me was my biggest healing process in this 21 day journey. Was it always easy? No Did I have good and bad times? Yes, especially mentally.

      It took 10 days for me to really feel relaxed and to let go of fears, thoughts and how this process needs to go. Before my journey I was reading a lot about what people achieve in this Panchakarma every state they go through. This comparison stopped on the third day when my doctor said: Anja you have to let go of this. It dresses you out to achieve something. Just open yourself up to us and trust the process. Anything is allowed and anything is ok. Are you good with this? Ok. I needed the proof of my doctors to heal my deep beliefs, doubts and mental issues. She started to suggest implementing a routine while I was there and that was the time I started to understand these routines are helping to come back in balance and later if I keep doing them back home to work as prevention.

      Little did I know that all these steps and the way Panchakarma treatments are built up helped me to cure. That was just the start of my healing journey. Does it finish when I come home? No, because there you keep continuing. Do I have to do it alone? No, I got help from ASHAexperience, my doctors and myself, since it needs a commitment from your side to really change something and have the intention to heal. Otherwise it will not work and then it really starts to become preventive.

      Developing a morning routine without getting stressed out

      The routine started already, and my treatment was every day at the same time.

      I was getting up every day at 7am. Staring to brush my teeth and then having my hot water sip by sip sitting on my Terrasse watching and listening to the ocean. Most of the time I was taking a walk on the beach and after this I was having breakfast.

      During those 21 days I got to know yoga for the first time and also pranayama (a yogic breathing technique). I started to implement breathing into my daily routine and also meditation to calm my mind. I also started to journal again. I was just writing down what I have been thankful for during the day. This process I kept up for 21 days.

      I was not doing everything in the morning because most of the routines I got to know while I was there. I knew yoga, meditation, breathing and journaling from back home already, but the deeper sense and how to combine breathing and meditation works and how important those little steps can be for you to improve your wellbeing. I experienced this myself when I was leaving India back to Munich.

      I was having a Jet lag the first few days and felt like sleeping long in the morning. I tried the first week because I still had time. But my body and mind woke up every day at 7 in the morning. And my body asked for the hot water automatically. My brain would not function if I didn’t do my morning walk or my breathing exercises. So after 3 days back home I experienced myself how my whole system is missing those little routines. So I started to implement daily self-care for myself.
      And I can tell you it starts with this one hour in the morning or in the evening. The time you take only for yourself. This is where healing starts and begins. Starting and allowing yourself to put your needs first. And this is where all the prevention starts. It’s even like this when you fly. First you put the mask and safety jacket on and then you help your kids. And here it is the same with the routines. This gives me so much energy, time for myself and this was so easy to implement without getting stressed out because I learnt from my Panchakarma, that my health is my priority and my own responsibility at the end of the day.

      We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

      Conscious Karma or Conscious Action

      Conscious Karma or Conscious Action

      A quote about Conscious Action

      The famous yoga teacher and the founder of Iyengar Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar said “Action is a movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.”

      Conscious Action and Awareness

      Karma encompasses not just our actions, but also the states of awareness that we adopt. Understanding karma involves opening your heart to much more compassion and kindness, both for yourself and for others. Every action we do in life has a ripple effect, much like a stone hitting the water.

      Connect with Higher Consciousness

      A body-mind will always have some karma, some process of action that causes it to respond and react. Consciousness, on the other hand, transcends Nature and is free of karma. As a result, the more awake and aware we become, and the more we connect with our true selves or higher consciousness, the more freedom and choice we have.

      Understanding Karma

      Understanding karma is key to living well. You can embrace the principles of karma to achieve success in your life. For example, if you want to be successful in life, consciously assist others in being successful. This will generate positive karma for you and plant the seeds for the possibilities you are generating for others, to manifest for you. Just help others to heal if you wish to mend anything in your own life. The law of karma is all about choosing.

      Choose to Respond over React – a Conscious Effort

      We can’t always control what happens in our life, but we can always control how we respond. We cannot ignore what is happening in the world: conflict, violence, ailments, and a considerable amount of suffering from a variety of sources. Even though we have fantastic moments when we rise above everything and transcend reality, we always have to return to what is going on in our own lives as well as the world at large. We can’t reject reality, no matter how unpleasant it might be at times.

      The Theory of Karma

      While the concept of karma teaches that the present conditions are a result of our own actions, it also teaches that we have the ability to change them. We have the ability to influence the future—both our own and humanities. Every scenario and condition we encounter in life is an expression of the state of mind in which we choose to live. From the point of view of collective karma, everything that is happening in the world is no longer someone else’s karma. It’s our karma.

      The karma theory is quite encouraging. It tells us that we can alter ourselves and our circumstances. Change does not always happen overnight, but we can take steps to start changing our collective karma. The type and quality of the words we speak, as well as the actions we conduct, are all determined by our thoughts. The most effective way to improve the world is to cultivate a love for ourselves, one another, and all living beings that share our beautiful planet.

      Konscious Karma by ASHAexperience

      Let us nurture that kind heart for everyone—for ourselves, our world, and all of humanity.

      With this faith, realization, and philosophy team ASHA embarks on Konscious Karma- the conscious movement that aims to connect and nurture organic relationships through Ayurveda and Yoga with Healers who are on their healing journey.

      ASHAexperience pledged to reach out to the world and support all on their personal journey of well-being and healing. We believe in supporting physical, mental, and emotional health by creating a balance through traditional practices based on Ayurvedic and Yogic Science and empowage of empires 2 download portugues crackeadoering our global Ayurvedic and Yogic healing community of Doctors, Healers, Mentors and Yogis.

      Team ASHA offers ancient Ayurvedic treatment and practices to the world and creates a sustainable society by offering self-care practices through Ayurveda and Yoga.

      614 words | Picture Source: Pexels

      We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

      Why Ayurveda says no to alcohol and Impact of it in wellness

      Why Ayurveda says no to alcohol and Impact of it in wellness

      Whether it’s a bottle of wine shared with friends at a dinner or a glass of wine for yourself, Ayurveda has a view to share on the benefits and harms of drinking wine.

      Before going into details, let’s ask ourselves the question: is it good to drink wine? The “Ayurvedic” answer is simple: it depends!

      What does Ayurveda say about drinking alcohol?

      In the classic texts, Ayurvedic doctors refer to the ability of alcohol to “rapidly reach the heart and mind, thus having a direct effect on the qualities” or doshas, the metabolic principles Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Thus, depending on our temperament, physiology, or doshas’ state when we consume wine, the alcohol it contains will tend to reinforce the state in which we find ourselves. This is no doubt why some have happy wine while others have it sad.

      According to Ayurvedic texts, “the misuse of alcohol will create fear, grief, anger, disease, and death.” Let’s not forget that in the Ayurvedic system, all food is poison or medicine, depending on how it is eaten!

      Also, according to Ayurveda, “if one consumes alcohol, then he must take into account the qualities of the drink, the age of the consumer, the strength of digestion, the current state of health or illness, and the season of the year or even the time of day.”

      Let’s try to apply these principles to concrete cases: If you come home feeling agitated, stressed, frustrated, and/or angry, the qualities of alcohol (hot, dry) will intensify these feelings.

      On the contrary, you will feel much better and better manage the next day at work, meditating or doing some yoga postures. Then you probably won’t crave alcohol.

      According to Ayurveda, alcohol is the destroyer of Ojas.

      What is Ojas?

      Ojas refers to that which stabilizes the body and mind. It supports the immune system and keeps the mind happy. When you are stressed, Ojas gives you the ability to hold on. Ojas strengthen the foundation of your life.

      How does alcohol affect Ojas?

      According to Caraka, alcohol has opposite qualities or properties to Ojas. This means that it nullifies the Ojas. The more you drink the more Ojas decreases. Many people drink to feel better. However, as a person’s level of Ojas decreases, he feels worse.

      People who are not aware of this drink more to compensate; this makes them feel even worse. It is a downward spiral. In the end, not only the mind feels worse, but also the body. There is diarrhea, burning indigestion, and diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The immune system ends up failing. Inflammation appears. It’s not a pretty picture.

      Alcoholism and Ojas

      Not all heavy drinkers get drunk every time they drink. There are many functional alcoholics. People who are functional often deny their alcoholism until it starts to ruin aspects of their lives. Over time, the pillars of his life begin to fail. When the Ojas is depleted, relationships begin to fail, health begins to fail, and you may lose your job. A person who drinks a lot loses eyes quickly. A person who drinks frequently but moderately loses Ojas over time.

      Ayurveda and alcohol: Drink Responsibly

      Both moderate and excessive alcohol consumption causes health problems. Occasional alcohol consumption does not cause these problems. In fact, alcohol used properly can improve life and even be a medicine. A good rule of thumb is not to drink when you are bored or sad. A celebratory drink every now and then is fine.

      Early signs of low Ojas

      Long before a serious problem arises, there are signs of low Ojas. An intelligent person pays attention to how he feels and makes the necessary changes.

      Here are some of the early signs of low Ojas according to Ayurveda:

      1. Complain often
      2. Intolerance
      3. Inability to manage stress Ayurveda
      4. Fatigue or exhaustion
      5. Heart irregularities
      6. Difficulty breathing
      7. Mild and frequent illnesses
      8. Sensitivity to strong sunlight
      9. Dizziness
      10. Intense emotions

      So, how sleep management will improve productivity at work?

      When enjoying a meal with friends and the group offers wine or alcohol, consider these tips:

      Make sure you feel happy and healthy. Otherwise, according to the Ayurveda rule, “what can heal can harm,” the consumption of wine, far from comforting you, can make you unhappy. Give yourself permission to say with a smile, “No thanks.

      Remember the golden rule: moderation, even when you’re partying. This is how we can afford to enjoy a social ritual without having to sacrifice ourselves!
      Let’s also see what we can recommend depending on your Ayurvedic constitution:

      Pitta: Drinking wine or alcohol in general, isn’t going to be the most relevant choice. It can aggravate the imbalance if Pitta is already in excess.

      Vata: Prefer sweet wines, and of course, in moderate quantities.

      Kapha: Red wine is best suited to this dosha. Hotter and drier in quality, with more tannins, this drink will provide support for digestive fires, often sluggish in Kapha temperaments.

      If you are on a spiritual path or practice yoga, the chances are that you will need to drink alcohol less and less. Your body is secreting more and more “happiness hormones” (dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin); you will easily do without this euphoria.

      We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

      Why should most CEOs practice mindfulness

      Why should most CEOs practice mindfulness

      Cultivating the ability to maintain attention in the present, without judging it, could irreversibly transform every part of our existence…
      I have realized that the past and the future are true illusions; they exist in the present, which is what we have and is all there is.

      —Alan Watts

      The exercise of mindfulness simply involves cultivating the connection with the present moment and making it a habit. In other words, it is about allowing each thing we do, no matter how small or trivial it may seem, every event that comes our way, to be the most important thing at that moment and to have our full attention.

      It is also a practice shared by most of the world’s cultural and religious systems and is closely related to various methods of meditation—such as those derived from the Zen tradition and Tibetan meditative practice. Today, mindfulness is widely known and used in medicine, education and psychology.

      At its core, mindfulness meditation is the practice of being in the present moment as consciously as possible. This means being mindful of every movement, situation, breath… Over time, using this method, it is possible to increase the power of focus concentration, relieve stress, become more empathetic, etc.

      How to practice mindfulness?

      Getting out of your own mind and living in the present moment is the purpose of mindful meditation. A simple practice that has been gaining more and more fans over the years.

      Naturally, this skill depends largely, like any other, on practicing it. Many types of meditation, for example, focus the mind on the present through attention to breathing (from the moment of birth until death, the human being inhales and exhales); others focus on the physical sensations of the body in real time, on the movement or on the sounds that exist around us. The mind naturally tends to wander and lean towards compulsive and obsessive thinking, but the technique is to bring it back without frustration, without judgment, over and over again. It is not about not thinking but observing your thoughts and returning.

      With the passage of time and daily practice, the goal is no longer just to put our attention in the present but to hold it that way at will. In this way, the exercise becomes a habit and then it is possible to start practicing it inadvertently, resulting in the way of life that allows us greater awareness and the possibility of experiencing the moments of life more fully.

      The benefits of mindfulness for CEOs

      Why do business leaders advocate meditation instead of, say, massage or physical exercise?

      The reason is that there is definitely something about mindfulness practice that seems to benefit CEOs more than physical training and other types of relaxation.

      Specialists in mindfulness training for companies affirm that the growing interest among business leaders in this type of practice is mainly due to the benefits it has provided them, among which is the development of leadership skills, understanding, openness and optimism.

      Mindfulness research concludes that mindfulness training improves three skills that are key to successful leadership in the 21st century: resilience, collaboration, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex conditions.

      On a physical level, the practice of conscious attention is capable of developing and strengthening neural circuits in the same way that a muscle is strengthened when it is exercised; it is capable of reducing stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety; it also radically strengthens our ability to focus and concentrate.

      On a less individual level, the practice of these disciplines has a potential for community transformation, as it is capable of bringing us closer to others in unexpected ways by strengthening our ability to listen to others without judging, always with kindness, generosity and compassion.

      Finally, the practice of mindfulness allows a glimpse of how dazzling the present can be as it is—a lesson as simple as it is complex and as refreshing as it is essential.

      Final Words

      Different studies by psychologists and cognitive scientists have confirmed that mindfulness helps to strengthen the ability to regulate emotions, benefiting modern leaders who, among other things, must be able to control anger, have empathy and put themselves in the “shoes of others” for a better relationship with work teams.

      The relationship between mindfulness and leadership is a fact. The question is, how long will it take to be integrated as an essential theme of managerial development in companies? Time will tell, but if a company wants to increase its effectiveness and lead the changing market, it must seriously study the implementation of mindfulness programs among its employees, and especially among its managers.

      We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.