My Experience with Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation Online, ASHAExperience

My Experience with Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation Online, ASHAExperience

Ian Matthews

Ian Matthews

I recently discovered that Ayurveda can change my life and it most definitely has. My name is Ian Matthews and here is my story of embarking on a holistic, Ayurvedic healing journey with Ayurvedic Doctors online consultation at ASHAexperience.

Growing up as a British citizen in South Korea I have always loved the outdoors and anything to do with nature. I am a health wellbeing coach who practices what he preaches! My healthy lifestyle consists of a fusion between Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Raja Yoga practices. I was naturally drawn to ASHAexperience’s online platform as I myself am the founder of a program developed over 20 years ago that helps kickstart people to return to wholeness using 100% natural tools and practices.

I came across this global wellness platform from a dear friend that I met in Barcelona. There has been a synergy in certain elements of my practice and teachings that are connected to Ayurveda, so I was looking forward to learning more about this holistic system and more specifically about how it would better my lifestyle. To me, Ayurveda is a total well-being way of life.

When I met my Ayurvedic Doctor, Taruna Yadav I was looking forward to an objective view of my own health condition. I walked into the consultation with excitement as I knew it would be tailored around my needs and requirements. I was asked questions about my health condition but also many questions that I would not have asked clients from a Western perspective. Dr. Yadav’s questions for me were much more relevant to the person I was from day to day, rather than ailment-focused – I loved it. Overall, learning about my mind and body was emotionally moving, in a nice way.
Dr. Taruna Yadav

Dr. Taruna Yadav

The suggestions I was given at the end of the consultation were totally doable. I focus more on acceptance for where I am in life, unconditionally. The transition into an Ayurvedic lifestyle has been profound. I realize that it is the perfect next step for my own practice and for that of my clients, post-inner-evolution. I have also prescribed a list of Ayurvedic supplements that I could take to better my health condition which was readily available to order online internationally.

My most valued take-away from my consultation with ASHAexperience’s Dr. Yadav was the importance, regardless of my own work as a wellbeing practitioner, to assess honestly my own condition and not to push feelings of recent family traumas under the carpet, so to speak. To be kinder to myself regardless. My acceptance and new findings have motivated me to tackle another health condition that troubles me for a while now, digestive cleansing. Knowing that I can continue my healing journey through the ASHAexperience online platform was also very comforting. I have met many therapists via webinar and they are all so inspiring, honest and very professional.

If I were to recommend this Ayurvedic healing platform to anyone of my choice, it would be to the whole world!

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.