Migraine and its cure with Ayurveda

Migraine and its cure with Ayurveda

According to Modern Science, a migraine is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head, and is frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine affects everyone differently. Many people experience this in stages. These stages may include prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome. A migraine attack usually lasts one to two days. Migraines, which commonly begin in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood, can progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome. Not everyone who suffers from migraines goes through all stages.

What does modern science say about the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Migraines?

The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they are thought to be the result of temporary changes in the chemicals, nerves, and blood vessels in the brain. Around half of all migraine sufferers also have a close relative who suffers from the condition, implying that genes may play a role.

Common Symptoms:

    • Pulsating headache, often on one side
    • Sensitivity to light, noise, and odours
    • Nausea
    • Pulsating and recurrent pain
    • Fatigue
    • Feeling cold or sweaty
    • Blurred vision
    • Lightheadedness
    • Stuffy nose
There are several migraine triggers, including:

      • Sleep patterns shift: Some people can get migraines from not sleeping enough or sleeping too much.
      • Physical aspects: Migraines can be triggered by intense physical exertion, including sexual activity.
      • Foods: Aged cheeses, as well as salty and processed foods, alcohol, peanuts may cause migraines. Meal skipping could have the same effect.
      • Stress: Migraines can be brought on by stress at work or at home.
      • Changes in female hormones: Many women experience headaches when their oestrogen levels fluctuate, such as before or during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Hormonal medications, such as oral contraceptives, can aggravate migraines as well.

Are Migraines Curable?

According to modern medicine, there is no cure for migraines. However, medications can help prevent or stop them, as well as keep your symptoms from worsening. You can also avoid things that make your migraines worse. Lifestyle changes such as stress reduction and good sleep habits can also help.

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda makes mention of Migraine is known as Suryavartha soola, where Surya means Sun and avartha means affliction arises, referring to the aggravation of pain caused by light and heat. However, depending on a person’s individual constitution, the type of migraine headache may differ. The predominant dosha in migraine is pitta, but pitta’s location in the body is the stomach. When vata is aggravated, pitta dosha migrates to the head, causing pain.

Ardhavabhedaka is an Ayurvedic treatment for migraines. Ardhavabhedaka is a type of headache described in Ayurveda in which the patient complains of pain in half of his head – The treatment involves removing Kapha Dosha, which aids in the prevention of Pitta disorders.

Ayurvedic migraine headache treatment includes reducing Kapha Dosha, which aids in the prevention of Kapha and Pitta disorders. To address this issue, Ayurveda takes a more comprehensive approach, addressing both the symptoms and the root cause(s).

Ayurvedic treatment for migraine pain primarily includes:

      • Detoxification
      • Ayurvedic herbs and medications
      • Lifestyle changes
      • Specific diet
      • Yoga

Ayurvedic migraine headache treatment includes reducing Kapha Dosha, which aids in the prevention of Kapha and Pitta disorders. Ayurvedic treatment is not for the disease itself, but rather for the individual’s specific disease condition. Panchakarma (purification) therapies are highly recommended for Migraine treatment. This is done following a thorough Ayurvedic consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor. The doctor customizes the treatment, which may include herbs, therapies, and a diet/lifestyle program.

Why is Panchakarma essential for Migraines?

Toxic materials are deposited in the head during chronic migraines, affecting the function of the various sense organs. This can lead to increased sensitivity to light, sound, odor, and mood swings. Panchakarma aids in the removal of toxins and the strengthening of the nervous system. Special treatments such as Sirodhara, Shiroabhyanga, Sirovasti, Virechana, and others help to nourish the nervous system and thus normalize Vata action.

Speak with our Ayurvedic Doctors, Nutritionists, and Healers today to learn more about how migraine affects you (what stage/nature of migraine) and how Ayurveda can help you treat migraine effectively at www.ashaexperience.com.

Team ASHAexperience offers ancient Ayurvedic treatment and practices to the world and creates a sustainable society by offering self-care practices through Ayurveda and Yoga.

Reference for modern medication treatment: www.webmd.com, www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Role of Ayurveda in treating and curing Psoriasis

Role of Ayurveda in treating and curing Psoriasis

Role of Ayurveda in treating Psoriasis – Interview with Dr Neela Seth, Switzerland

Dr. Neela Sheth

Dr. Neela Sheth

Ayurvedic Doctor

Shuvra Dev Burman

Shuvra Dev Burman

Wellness Director

1) What does Ayurveda say about psoriasis?

Dr. Neela Seth: According to Ayurveda, psoriasis is a multi-factorial chronic inflammatory skin condition. Several studies are being conducted to determine the exact cause of psoriasis, but there are many. It has to do with how one handles his/her life, what one eats, how much stress one is under, what’s going on in their life, and if their past is influencing their present. As per Ayurveda, many doshas/ element imbalances are involved, including Vatapitta and Vatakapha, and all of these involvements have a deeper connection to the cause of the disease. So we must first motivate someone to make the necessary changes and then treat them. That is why Ayurveda can effectively treat such chronic skin conditions.

Since Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder with primarily nutritional and lifestyle issues, from an Ayurvedic standpoint, whenever we treat someone, we have to look into everything they do in their life, the kind of life a person leads, and the type of nutrition they consume. This plays a vital role in developing this type of chronic disease.

2) Can Ayurveda cure psoriasis completely?

Dr. Neela Seth : Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that progresses at its own pace, depending on how long one has been suffering from it and how motivated one can be made to make lifestyle and mental pattern changes. If we can do all of this, then Ayurveda does have an answer for psoriasis. Also, we must recognise that psoriasis has a relapsing nature, which is why it is not only Ayurvedic medicine that can change or cure one but a whole programme. If someone can follow the whole programme, it makes life easier and allows them to escape this situation.

The problem with psoriasis is social because one has to carry the skin disease with them all the time until it is cured. Psoriasis requires much attention, but it is frequently ignored, and people are told to live with it. We can do a lot about it with Ayurveda if we know what the causes are and start treatment as soon as possible. In Ayurveda, we believe that no two people are the same and that all of the factors about the person are much more individualized, which is why the treatments are particular.

3) Is psoriasis treatment possible at any stage of its severity?

Dr. Neela Seth: This question is easier to answer if we get into the patient’s specifics. However, if someone recognises that they are experiencing skin problems and suffering, we can always work on resolving the issue. However, if the problem is chronic and has been bothering someone for the past 20 years, one cannot be cured in 20 days. We keep motivating the patient to reduce their suffering, and it depends on how the body works and reacts to the treatment so that we can treat them accordingly. The patient also needs to cooperate by following the prescribed treatments.

In Ayurveda, we typically work in two ways. The first is sodhana, the detoxification process, and the second is Ayurvedic medicine. The deeper panchakarmas or detoxification process is required for psoriasis patients. Since the problem is more profound, both medicines and panchakarma are used to treat psoriasis. It is not just a simple process of eating and drinking, commonly referred to as detoxification.

Authentic ayurvedic detoxification or panchakharma programmes are very serious cures that must be taken in a proper environment, under authentic Ayurvedic setups and followed by specific facilities, which is why I am so happy to be associated with Asha.

Before my association with ASHAexperience, I treated psoriasis only with medication and advised some mild therapy. But we need relatively deeper panchakarmas to cure Psoriasis. Authenticity needs to be maintained under proper supervision. When I became associated with ASHAexperience, I could confidently send all my patients for complete and authentic panchakarma treatment in India, that can cure Psoriasis.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Ayurvedic Gut Health Travel to India

Ayurvedic Gut Health Travel to India

 Gut Health and Digestion

According to Ayurvedic principles, gut health and digestion significantly influence the immune system. Poor gut health can also lead to skin problems, brain fog, bloating, and sugar cravings. With the right Ayurveda program, you can detox your gut, improve digestion, increase energy, sleep better, and connect to the natural rhythm of your body!

Panchakarma program – An Ayurvedic Cleanse

An Ayurvedic cleanse is a good place to begin improving gut health. The Ayurvedic cleanse, also known as panchakarma, is a powerful tool as it nourishes rather than deprives your body. It balances all the doshas (constitutions) as it replenishes and heals both the body and mind. An Ayurvedic cleanse can be done anytime you feel a build-up of ama, which is the toxic buildup of emotions, experiences, and undigested food, however, traditionally a cleanse is done three times per year. An Ayurvedic cleanse is a three to four-week process of detox treatments in India that are customized for the patient by Ayurvedic Doctors.

The first phase of a cleanse, purvakarma, sends toxins to the surface of your skin and to the bowels to be eliminated. This phase includes steaming, massage, and warm oil on the forehead for mental clarity. The next phase, panchakarma, is a more intensive treatment that is recommended to strengthen the detox and rejuvenate the body. This phase is made up of five treatments (karmas):
● Virechan – cleansing through medicinal plants, powders, and pastes
● Vamana – herbal medicinally induced purging
● Basti – massage and warm oil enemas
● Rakta moksha – bloodletting
● Nasya – nasal cleansing through oils, fumes, and herbal remedies

One or more of these treatments might be used to re-establish the body-mind connection. Supplements, teas, and herbal remedies might also be prescribed to cleanse the body and intestines. An Ayurvedic diet will be assigned to you depending on your dosha and will be monitored by an Ayurvedic doctor. You should then eat certain foods and avoid certain foods throughout your detox. Plenty of water and tea is recommended to flush out all the toxins being brought out of the body. Although at-home cleanses can be performed, it is suggested to follow the advice of a professional Ayurvedic practitioner.

Once the toxins have been removed from your body, it is time to replenish and nourish your body through yoga, meditation, and natural foods. Healing foods and herbs help build the body and immune system even stronger than before. Building up your inner fire, agni, reinforces positive emotions that fuel you. Conscious breathing and chanting soothe the nervous system and relieve anxiety.

Detoxing your gut and improving digestive health is the beginning of a healing process that will improve skin problems, various allergies, stress, arthritis, autoimmunity, hormone balance, and more!

Detoxing your gut and improving digestive health is the beginning of a healing process that will lead to the improvement of skin problems, various allergies, stress, arthritis, autoimmunity, hormone balance, and more!
Give yourself the gift of better health by immersing yourself in the detox process on a holiday in Kerala. Choose a 7 day, 14 day or 21 day duration with the Ayurvedic doctor of your choice. If you are unsure of which practitioner to choose, allow the team to handpick one for you! Your doctor will assign you supplements and teas that can also be easily accessed through the website. You will be led step-by-step through your personalized healing process, and will still have access to your doctor once you return home to carry your Ayurvedic plan through to the rest of your life.

Our team of practitioners will collaborate and passionately work together to hold your hand while on your healing journey. Wellness is brought to the forefront through a blend of Ayurvedic medicine, supplements, nutrition, yoga, meditation, and total support. Reawaken your body and mind while on an intimate wellness tour in India. Self-care and self-discovery experiences are waiting for you so start your journey today!

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Ayurvedic Tips For a Healthy Winter

Ayurvedic Tips For a Healthy Winter

In Ayurveda, winters are the season of Kapha with strong Vata undertones. The weather is cold, damp and heavy, making you sleep more, eat more and move less. You can also observe the cold, dry and windy qualities of Vata in the atmosphere. The winter season officially marks the onset of long dark nights that lead to fatigue and dryness in your body.

To lead a healthy lifestyle during winter, you need to adapt to the practices opposite to the qualities of the winter season, as according to Ayurveda, opposites bring balance.

Replenish and Thrive in Winters With These 6 Ayurvedic Tips

● An Ayurvedic Winter Diet To Boost Your Health
Favor cooked seasonal vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, and legumes during winters, and incorporate healthy oils like ghee and sesame oil to keep dryness at bay. Always eat warm, fresh and cooked meals in winter, like hot grain cereals for breakfast and roasted veggies and soups for lunch.

● Bring the Magic of Herbs
Let the winter herbs become a core component of your diet. Incorporate healthy herbal teas such as cinnamon tea, ginger tea, Tulsi ( Indian basil )n tea, etc., to boost immunity and keep your body warm.

● Self-Care Is the Key
Focus on bringing balance through self-care. One of the best practices you can adapt from Ayurveda is Abhyanga or self-massage. Winters are the time when you should replenish your skin by massaging it with warm organic oils, such as sesame oil. You can also put a little Nasya oil in your nostrils.

● Let’s Get Moving and Look Within
Practice slow-flowing Yoga every day to get your body moving in this season of lethargy. Winters are also an excellent time to begin meditation. Try to practice meditation every day before sunrise. In Ayurveda, this time is known as Brahma Murta and is considered perfect for spiritual practices like meditation.

● Don’t Stay Trapped In The House
Yes, we know that the cold temperatures force you to remain housebound. But don’t let that Vata quality catch up to you. Go out and enjoy some fresh air and winter sun while the weather allows. Go skiing or snowboarding as the winter sun gives you some much-needed vitamin D.

● Change Your Lifestyle With a New Skill
Winters give you the perfect opportunity to learn a new skill. Ayurveda says it will help direct your Vata constructively and shake up your Kapha a little. Learn a nurturing hobby like knitting or playing a musical instrument in this.

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Conscious Karma or Conscious Action

Conscious Karma or Conscious Action

A quote about Conscious Action

The famous yoga teacher and the founder of Iyengar Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar said “Action is a movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.”

Conscious Action and Awareness

Karma encompasses not just our actions, but also the states of awareness that we adopt. Understanding karma involves opening your heart to much more compassion and kindness, both for yourself and for others. Every action we do in life has a ripple effect, much like a stone hitting the water.

Connect with Higher Consciousness

A body-mind will always have some karma, some process of action that causes it to respond and react. Consciousness, on the other hand, transcends Nature and is free of karma. As a result, the more awake and aware we become, and the more we connect with our true selves or higher consciousness, the more freedom and choice we have.

Understanding Karma

Understanding karma is key to living well. You can embrace the principles of karma to achieve success in your life. For example, if you want to be successful in life, consciously assist others in being successful. This will generate positive karma for you and plant the seeds for the possibilities you are generating for others, to manifest for you. Just help others to heal if you wish to mend anything in your own life. The law of karma is all about choosing.

Choose to Respond over React – a Conscious Effort

We can’t always control what happens in our life, but we can always control how we respond. We cannot ignore what is happening in the world: conflict, violence, ailments, and a considerable amount of suffering from a variety of sources. Even though we have fantastic moments when we rise above everything and transcend reality, we always have to return to what is going on in our own lives as well as the world at large. We can’t reject reality, no matter how unpleasant it might be at times.

The Theory of Karma

While the concept of karma teaches that the present conditions are a result of our own actions, it also teaches that we have the ability to change them. We have the ability to influence the future—both our own and humanities. Every scenario and condition we encounter in life is an expression of the state of mind in which we choose to live. From the point of view of collective karma, everything that is happening in the world is no longer someone else’s karma. It’s our karma.

The karma theory is quite encouraging. It tells us that we can alter ourselves and our circumstances. Change does not always happen overnight, but we can take steps to start changing our collective karma. The type and quality of the words we speak, as well as the actions we conduct, are all determined by our thoughts. The most effective way to improve the world is to cultivate a love for ourselves, one another, and all living beings that share our beautiful planet.

Konscious Karma by ASHAexperience

Let us nurture that kind heart for everyone—for ourselves, our world, and all of humanity.

With this faith, realization, and philosophy team ASHA embarks on Konscious Karma- the conscious movement that aims to connect and nurture organic relationships through Ayurveda and Yoga with Healers who are on their healing journey.

ASHAexperience pledged to reach out to the world and support all on their personal journey of well-being and healing. We believe in supporting physical, mental, and emotional health by creating a balance through traditional practices based on Ayurvedic and Yogic Science and empowage of empires 2 download portugues crackeadoering our global Ayurvedic and Yogic healing community of Doctors, Healers, Mentors and Yogis.

Team ASHA offers ancient Ayurvedic treatment and practices to the world and creates a sustainable society by offering self-care practices through Ayurveda and Yoga.

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We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.

Panchakarma – an Ayurvedic practice of Healing and Rejuvenation

Panchakarma – an Ayurvedic practice of Healing and Rejuvenation

Ayurveda always targets the underlying cause of the illness and cures it holistically. Because Ayurveda is often associated with oil massage, there is also a widespread misperception regarding Panchakarma. People believe that Panchakarma is a treatment which consists of herbal oil massages and some detox drinks as treatment methods. However, this is not the case; ayurvedic practitioners treat patients using oils, fruit juices, spices, and a variety of other organic ingredients in addition to herbs. Panchakarma is a natural cleaning procedure that removes impurities from the body and restores its inherent healing potential. It is a time-tested natural therapy that detoxifies the body and restores its core balance and energy.

The Panchakarma Treatment

In Ayurveda, panchakarma literally means “five activities,” and it consists of five cleaning treatments. Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana. These Sanskrit terms stand for laxatives, herbal enemas, vomiting treatments, nasal rinse, and phlebotomy. These methods aid in the removal of undesirable chemicals from the gastrointestinal system, oesophagus, respiratory tract, and blood vessels.

Panchakarma works on the principle of Ayurveda called – “Shodhana Chikitsa”. Shodhana Chikitsa focuses on maintaining an ideal level and a balance between the three Prakriti Doshas of the human body. The Prakriti model consists of
● Vata dosha (Air dominant constitutional imbalance)
● Pitta dosha (Fire dominant constitutional imbalance)
● Kapha dosha (Water dominant constitutional imbalance)

Different ailments are caused by an imbalance in the amounts of different doshas. Panchakarma program corrects dosha imbalances and restores harmony to the human body’s functioning.

Panchakarma cleansing is a time-consuming process. It necessitates certain preparations both before and after. Each of Panchakarma’s treatments or karmas/actions has three stages:
● Purva karma (preparatory phase)
● Pradhana karma (purification phase)
● Paschat karma (follow-up phase)

The Five therapeutic procedures of Panchakarma
● Vamana (induced vomiting)
● Virechana (induced bowel movement)
● Basti or Vasti (medicated enema)
● Nasyam (nasal insufflation)
● Raktamokshana (release of impure blood from the system)

Insight of the Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies:
● Vamana: It helps to clear up the respiratory tract. This is the first therapy offered as part of the Panchakarma program.
● Virechana: This treatment balances out the Pitta dosha. All tissues and organs feel invigorated as a result of the blood purification.
● Basti or Vasti: This ayurvedic detox therapy tries to cleanse the entire body of all accumulated toxins and to address the Vata dosha imbalance.
● Nasyam: Its purpose is to remove accumulated kapha/mucus from the neck and head area.
● Raktamokshana: This therapy tries to cleanse the body by eliminating polluted blood and replacing it with new, pure blood.

Panchakarma program for Healing and Disease Prevention

Panchakarma treatment is founded on Ayurvedic fundamental beliefs, which indicate that sickness is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body as well as imbalances in both the mind and the body.

Most illnesses can be avoided by using Ayurvedic treatment and the Panchakarma program. Toxin buildup at critical levels can be avoided by doing Panchakarma cleansing treatments on a regular basis. Adopting a Panchakarma health program once a year helps the body fight off numerous health conditions.

Individuals who are already suffering from a serious physical illness or disease will benefit from Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy. Respiratory problems, Cardiac problems, Joint diseases, Psychological disorders, Dermatological diseases, Fertility problems, Gastrointestinal problems, Slipped Discs, Insomnia, Movement Disorders, and many ailments arising from lifestyle disorders or deep rooted psychosomatic issues are some of the medical conditions for which Panchakarma has proven to be beneficial.

Panchakarma is more than just a therapeutic method. Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy entails complex cleaning processes to relieve stress. Releasing stress and tension prepares the body tissues to accept the full advantages of diet, nutrition, and exercise. What distinguishes this Ayurvedic method is that it is intended not only for healing but also for prevention and regeneration.

Benefits of Panchakarma

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic miraculous system that cures numerous diseases both after they occur and even before they appear. Panchakarma has stimulating, preventative, restorative and curative properties. It is especially beneficial for people suffering from chronic diseases that cannot be treated only with medication and nutrition.

It addresses all health difficulties caused by lifestyle disorders such as stress, indigestion, insomnia, fatigue, and so on. It helps to clear the mind, promotes immunity, improves digestion, accelerates metabolism, detoxifies holistically, rejuvenates tissues, and strengthens organs.

Duration of the Panchakarma Treatment

It is vital to highlight that following a complete physical examination and diagnosis, a Panchakarma program is customised for each individual. As a result, there is no one recipe that works for everyone. Ideally it takes about 21 days to 28 days to complete the detox processes. The nature of Panchakarma therapies differs from person to person understanding the specific treatment and its intensity.

Connect ASHA

Start your Panchakarma journey with us at one of the best and authentic Ayurvedic Panchakarma clinics in Kerala, India where all the ancient therapies and bespoke treatments are administered by a team of Ayurveda professionals, Doctors and experienced Panchakarma practitioners. Plan your healing and rejuvenation journey with us and live a happy and fulfilling life.

References: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov | https://www.researchgate.net

We believe in collaborative relationship-based care where our Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Supplement Brands, Ayurvedic Nutritionists & Chefs, Yoga, and Meditation Trainers are in sync. Contact the team who passionately works together to hold your hand in this healing journey.