Food practise as per Ayurveda
Food practise as per Ayurveda
Food practice as per Ayurveda
Food which can be taken daily:
- Old Sastika ( Medicated Navara Rice)- 4-6 months
- Old Saali(Red Rice)
- Mudga(Green gram)
- Saindavam(Rock salt)
- Amalaka(Gooseberry)
- Yavam(Barely)
- Paya(milk -warm in nature)
- Sarpi(Ghee)
- Madhu(Honey) – Last three categories should be taken depending on nature or constitution of an individual
Food which should not be taken daily:
- Valloora(Dried meat and fish)
- Suska saakam(Dried vegetable)
- Milk products like Cheese , Butter etc
- Pork, Beef, Fish, Curd, Masha(Black gram)
- Curd / Yogurt -especially for Specificic Prakriti (constitution). Instead of Curd / Yogurt can be consumed
Virudha Ahara (Incompatible food):
Each food has its own quality (heavy , dry, oily, soft etc), taste(sweet, sour, salty, pungent etc), energy (hot/cold) and post- digestive effect (vipaka)
List of Incompatible foods :
- Fish with black gram, honey , milk, spouts , jaggery, radish.
- Chicken with curd , Yogurt
- Samyoga Virudha- Banana with milk( or any Sour foods with milk)
- Milk with green leafy vegetables; milk with dates.
- Eating contrary to climates- eg- Cold food during winter
- Mixed in wrong proportions- honey and ghee equal quantity.
- Agni virudha – intake affecting digestion – eg- eating heavy when hunger is low and vice versa.
- Dosha virudha- eating sweet, sour and salty food when having kapha related disease – eg- Sinus issues.
- Upachara virudha- D.Eating heavy during Panchakarma.
Health definition according to Ayurveda:
Sushrutha Samhita
In Ayurveda, to maintain good health we have to concentrate on healthy and wholesome food practices
Balanced Diet:
(According to Charaka Samhita)
- One should take food in the proper quantity.
- Quantity depends on the power of digestion. Whatever amount of food is consumed and digested in a timely manner without disrupting normality might be considered one’s correct quantity.
- Stomach should be filled with – 2 part solid food + 1 part liquid + 1 part air.
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